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Summertime: Then Vs. Now

9 Aug

If you were a kid in the 70s, you too probably remember a more chill, carefree time–where kids played outdoors, unsupervised from sun up to sundown. I love to reminisce about being a kid and am overly nostalgic about my mostly unchaperoned, dysfunctional up-bringing. It’s somewhat curious that I’m so fond of my own childhood yet do things completely different with my own kiddos. ‘Tis a sign of the times I suppose. Anyhoo, I thought I’d take a trip down memory lane and compare my summer days of the 70s and early 80s with my own over-scheduled offspring.

Who’s In Charge? Oh Yeah, No-One!

Summertime when I was a kid was a time of wanderlust. It was a time of discovery and a time to explore. It wasn’t a time to stay indoors. We were wise enough to know to get out of the house quick in the morning in order to avoid a long To-Do list of unpleasant chores, parents who believed in spanking, yelled, and knew how to say No.

Our main mode of transportation was our bikes. We rode our bikes everywhere. Sans helmet. We rode to the play ground, we rode to our friends’ houses, we rode to the store. We rode to wherever we needed to go.

We would hit one back yard after another, where we’d create elaborate imaginative games. Tree houses would become our pirate ships or caves. Tire swings would be our air crafts to the moon. We’d play whiffle ball for hours. Lunch time was spontaneous, to be enjoyed in the kitchen of the nearest house. If we were lucky we’d get Pizza Rolls or Spaghetti O’s and a Hostess snack cake. If not, bologna or pb&j. White Wonder bread was pretty much guaranteed. Trans-fat and high fructose corn syrup–why not? Hawaiian Punch or Kool-Aid were likely served. As soon as we finished we’d be back on the streets. Possibly pretending to “drive our cars” (our bikes) to meet “our boyfriends.” Where we’d pretend to make-out. Or, maybe we’d ride to the river and go for a swim. No life guard, no parents, often no towel, probably no sun screen.

When we hit the convenient store for a much-needed snack (after all we’d rode our bikes for miles) we loaded up on candy bars and chips–Pringles, oh yes, we had the fever. Charleston Chew was good because it was so big. Sugar Daddy lasted a long time and was cheap. Pop Rocks and tiny Chiclettes were also a solid choice. But alas, that snappy Hey, you got your peanut butter in my chocolate, No, you got your chocolate in my peanut butter ad would probably win out. (Reese’s are delicious.) We’d get as much crap as we could afford and divvy it up. One “graveyard” Super Big Gulp would do, as several kids would share the mammoth drink. With one straw. We weren’t worried about germs so much back then.

After 8-10 hours of being accountable to no one, we’d finally wander back to the neighborhood. Where eventually the mothers would yell out the front door, “dinner time,” to which we’d unenthusiatically head home. But wait. Was it a ‘Three’s Company’ night or ‘Solid Gold?’ After all, we hadn’t watched TV all day. Pong and Asteroids hadn’t been played for several days.

If it was the weekend, maybe we’d get dropped off at the roller rink. More time unsupervised. Yay! After arcade games, more junk food, and couples’ skates we’d head home where we’d catch some ‘Friday Night Videos,’ or the’ Twilight Zone’ until the TV turned to color block lines and eventually static. And the next day, we’d get up and do it all again. A new day meant a new adventure. The unknown. Anything was possible…

Micro-Managed Every Minute!

Summer time for my kids and most of their friends means day camps or lessons. Nowadays we have a camp for every type of kid. We have science camps, horse camps, dance camps, sports camps, arts & crafts camps, leadership camps–you name it they have a camp for it.

If our kids want to go somewhere, we drive them. If they want a snack it’s most likely healthy, whole grain, possibly gluten-free and accompanied by good old water, maybe lemonade. They might get a fro-yo if they’re lucky. If they want to ride their bikes out of the hood, parents watch or ride alongside. They always have their helmets strapped on tight.

If our kids want to go for a swim, it’s likely at a private/member’s only pool. Of course a parental will be present at all times along with several certified life guards. SPF 50 will be applied and re-applied. Rash guards, aka swim shirts, are on hand if swimming will be for an extended period of time. Swimming without goggles would not go over well.

Our kids have cell phones and iTouches and can communicate with us at all times. On a rare occasion where they may be off on their own, not being closely monitored, we know we can track them down in seconds.

Our kids have been well-trained to use their hand sanitizer that’s been strapped to their packs or bags. They know better than to share a drink. They all have their own water bottles. BPA free. The water went through the Brita prior to being poured. They would never drink from the hose.

Our kids rather enjoy being at home–probably because they’re over scheduled. We say Yes as often as possible. (My kids only chore is to feed the fish, which they complain about. Their responsibilities include reading, and being kind & respectful kids. They have hundreds of toys, in every room.)

If our kids want to watch TV, they can find any show or cartoon at any time of the day. They can BE the video game. If our kids go to the movies, we are in tow. Our kids go to bed tonight knowing that tomorrow will be much like today. Another day of structured, heavily supervised activities…

Sometimes I worry that all this over parenting is doing them a dis-service. Will they be boring because they had such a “normal” up bringing? A little dysfunction builds character–after all look at me! I sometimes fear I’m doing too damn good of  a job. Although, I’m probably fucking things up that I haven’t even thought about. I suppose only time will tell…

Until then we may as well enjoy re-living the good old days. Here’s an old favorite that’ll take ya back. I’ve been obsessed with this song lately. The whole almost 40 thing, ya know. Ta!

Better Than a Hungry Heart, I Suppose…

30 Jul

Update! If you follow RTM and read ‘What Is It About the Dodge Charger?’ which can be found under Stories from the Past, you probably know The Husband had been lusting after a Dodge Charger for months. Many of you also know this is not the first time a man in my life has had it bad for this silly vehicle. 

Anyway, in case you were curious, he did get his American muscle car. I figured since he was turning 40 and was likely having some sort of mid-life crisis, he deserved it. After all, I’m about to turn 40 now (wtf, how can that be?) so I’ve been busy dreaming up what inappropriate gift should be mine. So far, I haven’t come up with anything, but I am open to suggestions.

Back to the car. “The Panty Dropper” makes him happy. (Although the type of women who turn to see who’s driving the throw back vehicle, blasting Van Halen circa 1984, or worse current Van Halen–if you haven’t heard the song “Tattoo” consider yourself  lucky, are neither hot nor threatening.) So, even though I’m still a bit embarrassed by it, things could be worse. His mid-life crisis could have included taking a lover half my age, or going out for a ride and never comin’ back. I suppose I got off easy. And, so you know it isn’t just me, here’s an amusing comment that came from my daughter’s little friend. As she was getting in the car, she gave it a funny look. She looked at my husband and said, “This is a um…er… a nice car. Is it a rental?” Ha! I could hardly contain my hysterics! Ouch. Even he had to chuckle. A little.

So, if you see a Dodge Charger coming your way and it seems to be picking up speed don’t worry, it’s probably not an under cover cop, but rather my husband re-living his youth. Somewhere, my grandpa is chuckling and smiling down on me. Karmic payback for all those years I was embarrassed to be picked up by him? Probably…

Enjoy this rare footage of VH back in the day. I admit it, I do loves me some old school Dave. Nobody rocks a pair of assless chaps quite like he.

Birds of a Feather

27 Jul

HaHa! Maybe, but we would definitely have a kick-ass time at  Happy Hour.


24 Jul


Yep. Been thinkin’ this since I was a kid.

Hand Gestures While Driving

12 Apr

I’m not big on hand gestures while driving, other than the courtesy wave. I don’t get too upset when someone accidentally cuts me off or does something they shouldn’t. If another driver really pisses me off I may mutter a, “feel free, asshole” under my breath. But, that’s about it.

When I was young I was a lot freer with flipping the bird. But, age has tamed me. Plus, I don’t want to encourage any sort of heated road rage or entice some maniac to whip out a fire arm. (Having children makes you paranoid.)

The husband tends to let other drivers get to him. Whenever he gets overly agitated  I always reply in a happy tone, “Blood pressure!” If I’m in the wrong and do something to anger another driver I usually just wave, smile and mouth oops, sorry! If they remain pissed and flash me the middle finger, while visibly cussing me out, I smile even bigger and wave even harder. Kill ’em with kindness, ya know. Plus if you smile and wave frantically you kind of look like a jack ass, and who can’t help but chuckle at someone purposefully lookin’ a fool. It lightens things up.

(Warning: If you are extremely prude or easily offended, stop reading now.)

So, about a year ago, I was at a stop sign, patiently waiting my turn when a soccer dad in a Subaru Outback drove by me. It was a clear day and I was looking right at him. All of a sudden he flashes me the universal cunnilingus sign. He did it for at least 3 full seconds and was totally into it. Either he thought he knew me or he was a bit of a deviant! Who knows? I’m sure I looked quite shocked, but being the girl that I am I let out a, “Woo Hoo, Yeah!” You see, if you don’t know this by now, I’m a gal who can appreciate this type of ballsy, unexpected gesture. Not surprisingly, I also see the humor in a well-timed BA. Moronic and juvenile? Yep! Undeniably hilarious? For sure.

I couldn’t wait to get home and tell the husband about this little incident. He grinned from ear to ear as he exclaimed, “No way!” However, he seemed a little hesitant when I told him I put the little tale in my Facebook status, but really, how could I not? 

My friends’ reactions didn’t disappoint. They weren’t horrified or appalled by this true story. In fact, several people wanted to know if the “perp” was hot! Ha! I do love kindred spirits. 😉

And, if you’re wondering…he wasn’t bad.

Your turn. Are you a blood boiling bird flipper? Or, have you been the recipient of a unique or interesting hand gesture while driving? Do tell…

Random Thoughts for the Day

12 Apr

Hello, readers. (Not intended to sound like Hello, Newman.) I thought I’d share a few random thoughts that have been swimming through my head today.

1. To the large grocery chain in response to your radio ads– I am quite certain that I have not, nor will I ever be at all curious about eating Buffalo. No. Thank. You. Honestly.

2. Am I the only person who could give a shit about the Royal Wedding? Who cares? And, what a vulgar waste of money.

3. Is there anything more embarrassing than a mole check appointment? Had one yesterday and I can honestly say I’d rather undergo a pap smear. (Sorry, male readers.)

4. Hey Reebok, I bought those silly “Ass Shaper” shoes and I gotta tell ya, they aren’t doing much.

5. Will I go through “The Change” before the husband agrees to a vasectomy? I’m not thinking one should be on the pill for 20 years! (TMI, I know.)

6. And finally, how can I really be expected to get anything done when I have ‘Words With Friends’ to play. Sheesh.

Feel free to share what’s been on your mind lately.

Time Really Is of the Essence, People

7 Apr

I don’t know what it was about today, but when I woke up this morning I just knew I was going to make the most of it; take charge, and finally get back on the old treadmill and really make it my bitch. Was I having an epiphany? Was I going to turn into the female version of Marathon Man and become instantly obsessed with running? Probably not, but I was willing to entertain the idea.

I went to the drawer to fish out my standard daytime uniform of not so cute workout clothes, but this time when I went to grab my oh so flattering sports bra that gives my rack the highly desirable look of one long, squished boob, I not only grabbed one sports bra, but two. Shit yeah! I thought. I’m gonna need ’em. So, I hopped on the treadmill with a moderate paced jog, all the while saying a big screw you to Cadbury Mini-Eggs, and take that unwanted fat. And, run Forest, run! I was motivated and doin’ my thing. I ran more than I walked, which is good for me, and I put in a solid 30 minutes. Yes!

But, I forgot how hungry a good jog makes you and accidentally consumed the same lunch as my son. PBJ, a few chips and carrots. Carrots are good though. Anyway, I was a little POed at myself, but then I realized summer really is almost here. I must get over it, do a Jillian and try to eat decent the rest of the day.

For two days in a row I ‘ve seen two different weight loss authors on TV spewing the old, you must eat small meals often. So, that’s what I’m going to try. Again. It does work if you actually do it. Ladies only get 1200 calories still, which is pretty sucky until you get used to it.

Clearly I wasn’t able to stick to my Slim Fast diet, so now I’m going to focus on exercise–lots of exercise, eating healthy and often, I’ll weigh myself everyday and remind myself that I am going to be in a bathing suit soon. Very soon. Yikes.

Making a pound countdown and putting it on the frig usually helps me, so I’m going to make one right now. I like having the visual of crossing off a pound, along with how many days until swim suit time. When I have a countdown up, the daughter constantly asks me if I get to mark a pound off. So, as annoying as it is, it is pretty helpful.


No way.

Are you sick of me talking about this every month or so? Me too. But, sharing is therapy. Feel free to share your diet woes with me. Misery loves company, ya know. But, seriously, summer is almost here. Get your shit together. (I’m saying that to myself mostly, but if you need to hear it, pretend I’m talking to you!)

And that, my friends, was my rambling random thought of the moment. Maybe if I had less of these, I’d exercise more? Hmmmm… Nah!

Flower Faux Pas

29 Mar

This is a picture of my neighbor’s yard (the side of his house facing the street). Little did he know when he purchased the home that the previous owner’s nick name was Tulip Man.

Tulip Man was an odd fellow. He loved his bulbs and planted them in mass. His front yard was like an homage to Holland, missing only were the wooden shoes and windmills.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love flowers as much as anyone. But, this was no ordinary display. Tulip Man had blooms of all varieties coming out of every square inch of his modest sized plot of land. There was no discernible plan or reasoning behind his flowerscaping, other than to plant random flowers everywhere he possibly could. Daffodils, croci, tulips, dahlias, and more. Tulip Man was an equal opportunity planter, never having met a bulb he didn’t dig. (Get it!

In a neighborhood where the “Association” takes their job very seriously, I was surprised that Tulip Man’s yard wasn’t a recurring topic at the HOA meetings. Although, maybe it was… I’ve never attended. (Rebel tendencies.)

Anyhoo, Tulip Man lived here for only a year or two. His house was sold in the dead of winter to a buyer who clearly had no idea what was in store for him come springtime.

New owner seemed to have a passion for tinkering in the yard as well. As soon as the ground thawed he was planting grass on the side of his new home, re-directing visitor traffic by adding a rock path to his front door, topping the new stone columns with ornate concrete planters (that always appear to be empty of any actual plantings). Yes, he made it his own, right off the bat.

I can only imagine his surprise when multiple bulbous beauties started rearing their little green heads through his freshly laid sod. But, I guess he must have liked the hideous exhibit. He’s been here for about five years now and the queer blooming grass has remained.

So, every spring we all get to enjoy(?) the array of daffodils and then tulips that alternately poke through the little island of shaggy lawn.

What say you? Flower faux pas or odd yet lovely display?

My Husband Watches Stupid TV

29 Mar

My husband is pretty easy-going. When I’m shuffling the daughter to and from dance, he’s more than happy to eat cereal for dinner. If he comes home and the house is destroyed, couch pillows lined up like stepping-stones guiding you to the mountain of stacked pillows almost to the ceiling from the errant toddler, he doesn’t say a word. Messy kitchen, shameful laundry room, he can handle it. But, ask him to watch any sit-com, dramedy or mainstream TV and you’ll see one unhappy dude. He’s not having it.

My husband and I don’t watch any shows together unless he’s managed to hook me on one of his many ridiculous pleasures. If sports are on, he’s probably watching. But, I use the word sports loosely. Sure he’s a fan of the regular stuff like football, basketball, golf, etc. But, he also considers any human duel to be a sport, and thus worth viewing. 

Throw two heavily inked grown men in a cage and tell them to dry hump until one cries out, “Uncle,” and he’ll be glued from start to finish. Two buffed out chicks puttin’ up their dukes, delivering body blows to eachother’s girly parts, why not. Grown-ups wearing sunglasses indoors playing an endless game of Go Fish, Old Maid, or fine, maybe it’s Poker, whatever, it’s still a card game and see, since I said game you can bet he’s going to watch.

His odd list of favorites doesn’t end there. He loves Dave and Cody, the adorable couple who try to survive in precarious, desolate environments. Indian supply truck drivers, he’s a fan of you guys and girl too. Oh, and that bunch of seemingly not so bright Oregonians digging for gold in the Alaskan wilderness–he loves you all. Loner fishermen risking their lives for the deadliest catch, re-run or not, you boys need not feel left out.  

If these shows all seem a little rough and tumble, no worries, he also digs the LA motley crew who battle it out for other people’s stuff in Storage Wars. As well as the crazy, out of shape, good ol’ boys at the Las Vegas pawn shop and of course, the impeccably groomed metrosexuals of Million Dollar Listing. (I guess he’s a bit of renaissance man after all!)

But, whatever you do, do not ask him to watch mainstream TV. 30 Rock, Cougartown, Modern Family, Dancing With The Stars or even The Office–are all out of the question! Around here we have a strict rule of, “No Sit Bombs” or “Fake TV!” Unless of course it involves nomadic men and it’s on the Discovery Channel. Then, it’s educational, damnit…

Thankfully, the TV Tyrant has an early bed time of 9:00 pm sharp!

Now you know why I stay up til midnight… Ahhh, finally! Cheers!

Laundry Woes

23 Mar

I am a laundry loathing lady. I never seem to catch up no matter how many consecutive loads I attempt to do. Actually, the main problem is the folding and putting away, but I get hung up on other steps of the process as well. Here are my issues:

1. My husband wears one thing to work, changes into exercise clothes to workout, and then changes again when he gets home. He then wears pjs to bed. One day, four outfits.

2. Daughter wears clothes to school, changes after into dance wear or comfies, and then wears pjs to sleep. Three outfits a day for her.

3. Baby boy wears clothes to pre-school, changes into light weight pjs for nap, wears clean play clothes after, and warm pjs for bed. That’s four for him.

4. And finally, I wear workout clothes pretty much all day in the hopes that at any given moment I’ll be moved to stop, drop and exercise. Sometimes I change into regular clothes toward the end of the day, and of course pjs at night. Three outfits for me.

So each day, my family is wearing around 14 outfits. Ugh! Not to mention all the towels we go through and blankets & sheets. Yes, that’s a lot of laundry. Add to it the person doing most of it would rather be doing anything else and you can see how we’d have a disastrous back-up situation going on in our household.

There are multiple areas of the process where I fail. I’m decent at throwing the clothes in, although I admit that sometimes I “forget” about a load for nearly 24 hours and then have to re-wash it so it doesn’t wreak.

Then there’s the folding. I hate the folding. It piles up on my bed in such an overwhelming heap that when I pass it throughout the day I usually try to look away. Out of sight out of mind. So there it sits until I roll into bed around 11 or 12. By that time I’m usually way too exhausted to deal with it. If it’s not too enormous of a mound I’ll transfer it to the bench next to the bed. Sometimes I have to pile it on the ironing board as well, which is a delicate balancing act. The other night, the pile was so out of control that I opted to sleep on my son’s trundle-bed! I don’t even think my husband noticed that he was sleeping next to a mountain of clean clothes instead of his wife until he got up for work! After two nights of sleeping with the baby I decided I’d try to get a handle on it over Spring Break.

So, although I’ve been doing several loads each day and putting them away, there is still a ridiculous pile of dirty clothes spilling from the laundry room to the hall. And, speaking of the laundry room, when my college buddy was visiting with her husband, he opened the door, gasped and quickly shut it. He turned to me and with a horrified look on his face indignantly said, “Yeah. That would not work for me.”

“Well, lucky for you bucko, you have a wife who is on top of her laundry game!” I mean really!

So, although I’m trying to get it under control, and I I’ve been working on it all during the break, it will probably always be a struggle for me. I can always find something more interesting and more fulfilling to do than the dreaded laundry. Having an immaculately tidy laundry room is just not a huge priority for me. But, I suppose there are worse things… Oy vey!

Tell me, is this an issue for you too? Or, are you a laundry lover who takes pride in her/his folding and putting away skills?