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10 Random Things About Me

7 Feb

1.  I started this blog about a year and a half ago becasue I wanted to do something creative and for myself. (Staying home with the kiddos for six years, watching soap operas and scarfing down bon-bons was finally losing its appeal.)

2.  I love all things 70’s, especially the music.

3.  My favorite TV shows are Parenthood, Cougar Town and Californication. I wish I was friends with the characters on these shows. My favorite movie is Starsky & Hutch.

4.  My two favorite places are Disneyland and Hawaii.

5.  When I was young, I was kind of a rebel.

6.  I have loner tendencies.

7.  My fantasy jobs include: rock star (yes, I know I can’t sing), decorator, carpenter, and PAID writer.

8.  I prefer to dance alone.

9. I am a total sap and cry at absurd things. The other day I watched an American Girl movie with my daughter and bawled multiple times. There’s a post somewhere on here about my teary tendencies. 

10. I pride myself on being a dork and spaz most of the time. It makes life a lot more fun.

Feel free to share something random about you!

Want to contact me? Leave a comment or send me an email  Facebook search: Random Thoughts Mom; Twitter follow me @RTMblogger


Whoooo Are You, who who who who…

11 Dec

Who am I?  Well, I’m an ex-stay-at-home mom of two amazing kiddos. I recently re-joined the work force, which I have mixed feelings about. I love my job but, I loved being home all day too. ‘Tis bitter sweet. 

I was raised in the Pacific Northwest and attended a small, private liberal arts college.  I loved my twenties and the adventurous, wild times that went along with them.  I married a great guy whom I was friends with for several years first. 

I am a progressive thinker and big believer in karma.  I am a child of the 70’s and very nostalgic about my dysfunctional childhood.  I love music and dancing.  I enjoy reading, writing, decorating, crafting with my kids and snow skiing.  I love laughing hard and having drinks with good friends. I find myself to be quite hilarious and spend a lot of time cracking myself up. Yep, I’m a dork.

If you would like to contact me, have a question or would like my no-nonsense opinion about something, please send me an email at  I am happy to review your products and share my thoughts with the world, or whomever may be reading! You can also leave a comment on any of my posts. I do read all comments. Please, no Negative Nellies. I may talk tough but I’m really a big softie. Peace.

Follow me on Twitter: RTMblogger; Facebook search Random Thoughts Mom

Hello World!

2 Dec

What up, world?  This is officially my first of hopefully many posts on Random Thoughts.  I have always been interested in having a blog but I didn’t really know how to get started or what to do.  Recently, an old BFF was at my house for a visit.  As I was showing her various Christmas crafts I had done with my kids and decorations I had made she casually commented that I should have a blog.  (Not to mention the fact that I have a lot to say and can be quite opinionated!)  Since she’s a real big wig at a PR firm that was all the encouragement I needed.  Surely she must know what she’s talking about? I hope.  Anyhoo, I thought a bit about it and decided why the hell not?  So, here I am.   Randomthoughtsmom will be just that.  Sometimes I’ll share funny stories from my childhood, craft ideas to do with your kids, hilarious things my kids say or favorite decorating ideas or recipes.  I may share the insipid details of my daily life or bitch about a tabloid.  Perhaps I’ll share my opinion or thoughts on a current event or talk about products, shows, movies, and music that I love.  The sky’s the limit as far as topics for my blog!  So, tune in if you want.  Maybe you’ll like it or maybe you won’t.  But, I hope you do!  

Since it’s December, I plan to post 12 fun craft/decorating ideas you can do with your kids for the holidays.  Now I just have to figure out how to post pictures on this thing!  With any luck the first craft idea should be up very soon. Want to contact me? Send me an email at or leave a comment. Cheers.