I Saw Charlie Sheen…et al

7 Mar

Since you can’t turn on the TV or computer without seeing Charlie Sheen making a giant ass out of himself, I got to thinking about the time I had a brief encounter with the infamous bad boy. Which also got me thinking about the time I spent living in Los Angeles, stars I saw while living there, and other celebrities I’ve seen in random places.

When I was 22, I had just finished a graduate program and had simultaneously gotten dumped by a guy with whom I had a very odd/somewhat dysfunctional relationship. It was a late summer day and my BF and I were laying out at the pool at my apartment, frying balls and pondering life. I turned to her and said, “I think I’ll move to LA.” She looked at me and said, “OK, me too.” And that was that. My brother lived there, so we had someone local who could help us find a place, and teach us to navigate the massive, sprawling metropolis. We made our plans and moved a few months later.

For some reason we moved to an apartment complex in Burbank, called Park Pointe. Why we didn’t get a place by the beach, I don’t know, but I wish we had. Burbank was pretty boring. Our apartment was close to the studios though, so there were a lot of young actors living there. Ali Sweeney was a resident at the time and some other soap stars. Mario Lopez could often be seen wandering the grounds topless (always!), although I don’t think he actually lived there?

My BF got a job with a major company and I got a job at a private school. There were a lot of famous people who had their children at this school. Danny Devito & Rhea Perlman, Henry Winkler, the dad from 90210, and some others that I can’t remember. It was kind of fun to see these people wandering the breeze ways. 

While I sometimes may have looked a little too long, I never made a total fool of myself… surprisingly. I wasn’t that phased by stars since my brother was sort of in the business. (He was a talent manager and worked with kids–mainly ones just starting out.) Jensen Ackles was a client & there were a few others you may have heard of. I had been around several of his pals who were on television. He lived with Heather Tom (soap star) during this time, and her sister was on ‘The Nanny.’ He also hung out with the kid from ‘Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.’ They were all relatively friendly, but a bit full of themselves too.

Anyway, my brother was a partner in a small local theatre company. Charlie Sheen was a donor and would sometimes attend the shows. My BF and I went to one of the plays. During intermission we headed out to the lobby. Charlie was standing about 15 feet away from us, with a burly body-guard. He was smoking a cigarette with that intense look he often gets–shifty, devious eyes scanning the room. Our eyes locked, but I turned away. After all, I didn’t want to get caught staring. Now that I think about it, he was probably wondering if my BF and I were down to party; translation-wanted a threesome and massive amounts of blow. Luckily, we were relatively naive to the ways of Hollywood. We headed back to our seats and didn’t see him again. Good thing, huh. Otherwise, who knows, we may have had a “radical” night of…”Winning, Duh!” Yikes.

Here are a few other celebrities that I’ve seen. When I lived in LA I saw Kerri Russel browsing the sales rack at the Beverly Center Nordstrom Brass Plum. She was just as gorgeous in person. I loved that she was a bargain shopper too. Couldn’t help but stare a little, as she was so stunning.

Saw Charlie’s papa, Martin, at a hotel in Dallas. He was very friendly and took pictures with several fans.

Walked right by Slash (without recognizing him) in the Vegas airport and scooted as far away as I could because he looked so dirty. My husband hissed in disgust (at my not so subtle moves) “Don’t you know who that is?” We ended up being at the same gate as him and his girlfriend. They were arguing and swearing loudly as they were boarding. A few minutes later, one pissed off looking, hard-core rocker chick was being escorted by security off the plane. She didn’t go quietly. Whoopsie! It was a pretty awesome scene to witness.

Saw a very good-looking Axl Rose standing outside a bar in Seattle. He looked clean, well dressed, and surprisingly fresh-faced. Not a wrinkle in sight. Kind of weird that I’ve seen Axl and Slash, in two different states.

Stayed at the same hotel in Maui as Bill and Guiliana Rancic. Saw them strolling through the lobby. Of course, I was again oblivious. Husband pointed them out.

Saw Steve Carrell in Hawaii. We were at a shopping mall and happened to be heading to the same store. He was walking with a buddy and looked like any other tourist.

That’s all I can remember off the top of my head. What celebrity encounters have you had?

25 Responses to “I Saw Charlie Sheen…et al”

  1. iCount March 7, 2011 at 9:12 am #

    Oh, RTM, you were one of *those* girls I coveted when I would go out dancing in my twenties! I did very little clubbing and have always been short on rythm, so this was a rare outing. It makes me feel better to know the cool cage girls are home raising kids and living the dream, just like me.

    • iCount March 7, 2011 at 9:14 am #

      Crap! I keep posting on the bloody wrong thread!

    • randomthoughtsmom March 7, 2011 at 10:05 am #

      You crack me up! I thought I was cool…I being the operative word!!! Really just a big dork who had a lot of fun in my twenties. Probably even more so than in college, as I was finally single for a while! 😉

  2. Tessa March 7, 2011 at 9:41 am #

    Sat by Tori Spelling at an NBC party…she was very unfriendly to everyone. Met Joe Biden which was much more impressive than any Hollywood personalities. Talked briefly with V.P Biden about an Afghanistan withdrawal. Way more interesting than anything the Hollywood set had to say. Thanks for the post! Sounds like you had some fun in S.CA…even though you were in Burbank instead of living by the beach.

  3. Ericca R March 7, 2011 at 9:51 am #

    I love your blog especially this post because you saw these celebrities at least some of them, behaving like regular ordinary people(I know that they aren’t really but we can pretend). I love the Slash story and how is girlfriend was ecsorted off the plane not him. lol.
    Also I think avoiding any contact with Charlie Sheen is the best way. What a creep.
    Thanks for the great post.

    • randomthoughtsmom March 7, 2011 at 10:00 am #

      Thanks for the thoughts and kind words. 🙂 And welcome Ericca!

      • J March 7, 2011 at 10:35 am #

        Seeing famous people in person is pretty cool. They seem larger than life on screen but when you see them in person they seem like normal people and most are short 5’7” or less. I once saw Angela Kinsey (The Office) while I was in NY working. She is tiny in person!!

  4. M March 7, 2011 at 2:15 pm #

    LA stories. 🙂 Seems like a lifetime ago!

  5. Jess March 7, 2011 at 3:24 pm #

    Seems like J’s reading more US Weekly than you are 🙂 I saw a glimpse of Sarah Jessica Parker…she’s tiny, and ran into a few politicians. Nothing quite as fun as you!

  6. Alisha March 7, 2011 at 8:50 pm #

    RTM, You must have been a real character in your youth! Probably still are if this blog is an indication of your personality. Anyway, thanks for the great post. Are you taller than Danny DeVito? Just curious…ha! ha!

    • randomthoughtsmom March 7, 2011 at 9:34 pm #

      Thanks. I am not a tall girl, maybe 5 foot 4. I could rest my chin on Mr. Devito’s head. Seriously. He stood inches in front of me during a program and I had such a strong urge to do this, but somehow I was able to control myself.

  7. BD March 7, 2011 at 9:39 pm #

    Didn’t you also meet the girl who barfed in Stand By Me?

    Love this story. 🙂


    • randomthoughtsmom March 7, 2011 at 9:42 pm #

      Thanks, BD. That’s right. My oldest BF was an extra in Stand By Me and she was around all sorts of 80’s child stars. Do tell, BD.

  8. Heidie March 8, 2011 at 5:21 am #

    This post is very entertaining. Honestly, I haven’t had the chance to encounter any Hollywood celebrities. Locally I’ve seen many here in our country. It’s funny that sometimes, some people try to avoid the celebrities but they keep on looking and watching at what they do from afar. I’d love to see Taylor Swift in person. I think she’s cool! 🙂

    • randomthoughtsmom March 8, 2011 at 7:42 am #

      Thanks and welcome, Heidie! I know, we want to check them out, but without them knowing. Plus, they probably are bugged enough by people who don’t keep their cool!

  9. Janice March 8, 2011 at 8:23 am #

    The only celebrity and I wouldn’t really call him a celebrity would be President Bill Clinton in Jackson Hole. It was very surreal and cool. He was very pleasant and respectful of everyone the Secret Service would allow him to talk too. I will always remember that.

  10. Whittney March 9, 2011 at 9:58 am #

    I went to Sundance this year and saw from a distance Terrence Howard and Demi Moore. It was cool to seem them out on the streets. Also Utah is cold, I will take the heat in Arizona my home state anyday.

  11. BD March 9, 2011 at 10:10 pm #

    Ok ok…So in the summer between the 7th and 8th grade I got to be part of the filming for the movie Stand By Me. It was a pretty awesome experience. 3 days “on the set” but only one day of filming. The first two days we spent hanging out with the rest of the crew. Yes, that’s right… River Phoenix, Will Wheaton, Jerry O’Connell, Corey Feldman and Kiefer Sutherland!! It was pretty cool.
    I also met Eddie Murphy after one of his stand up shows. I saw Beau Bridges (Jeff’s brother) in Hawaii once. I know there are more but I can’t think of them now.

  12. Jenni March 10, 2011 at 12:32 pm #

    I just read an article on Charlie Sheen in EW, and he is a train wreck. He actually believes the stuff he is saying, what a nut.
    The only contact I have been in with Celebrites is at Lakers Game which isn’t saying much because my tickets are no where near where the Celebs sit.

    • randomthoughtsmom March 10, 2011 at 12:56 pm #

      I know, it’s getting kind of sad now. Hopefully he’ll get it together before something tragic happens. Thanks for sharing, Jenni.

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