What Has Happened to Friday Night?

4 Mar

When I was in my twenties, Friday nights were the best. My theme song was ‘Shake It Baby’ by Terence Boylan. (Google it.) Yeah, yeah, I know…it’s from like 1976. And yes, I was in my twenties in the 90’s not the 70’s. But the song is on the “Fastimes Soundtrack” and if you listen to the words it’s more than relevant.  

“…Shake it baby, shake it all you can tonight, break ’em, break ’em baby break ’em all you can tonight. It won’t last forever, so do it for worse or for better, give the boys something to dream on later…”

I mean really, does that sum it up or what? I loved to listen to this song as I was gettting ready–teasing my big blonde hair, carefully doing my sexy eye make-up, wrestling on my tight black pants (always black pants). Yes, we had other more current “pumpers” that we’d blast before heading out into the night–‘The Immigrant Song’ by Led Zeppelin (I know, it wasn’t exactly current then either, but it’s a great party song and totally reminded us of our college days, pre-funcing at SAE). Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ and ‘Sin’ by Nine Inch Nails were other frequent choices that helped get us in the mood. And whenever I was going out on the town with my “boy bestie,” EZ, we’d always belt out ‘I Need a Lover Who Won’t Drive Me Crazy’ because really we found most people to be totally annoying and not nearly as fun as we were. 

Friday nights were full of anticipation and the unknown. We’d start out at some dive bar in the city and eventually walk for blocks and blocks to go dancing. Giant platform shoes and painted on pants didn’t hold us back. We were young and free and nothing phased us. When we’d finally get to our favorite night club we’d dance our asses off for hours. I preferred to dance alone in a sort of cage, because up-there I could really get into it and go wild. I didn’t have to worry about making eye contact with some boy who surely couldn’t keep up with my killer moves. We’d work off the free jello shots and multiple vodka crans we’d downed earlier by shakin’ our money makers well into the wee hours of the night. When the club finally closed, it’d officially be morning, and we’d head to the all-night breakfast joint that catered to our fellow creatures of the night.

Somehow, we’d make it to one of our homes and crash until the afternoon. We’d bum around all day, watching movies and hanging out, until we had to get ready. After all, it was now Saturday night, time to do it all again.

Ahhhh, to be young… Oops, it’s after 8:30, time to get the kids to bed. Maybe we’ll get really crazy and watch a movie On Demand? Or maybe we’ll just drink some wine, listen to ‘Shake It Baby’ and remember what it was like to be young… Or maybe we’ll just go to sleep?

*I totally forgot about this cartoon that a graphic artist made for me after spending a night on the town with us. Look closely and you’ll see what a typical Friday night looked like back in the day!

16 Responses to “What Has Happened to Friday Night?”

  1. caseymichelle12 March 5, 2011 at 3:05 am #

    haha, i love your description of your friday nights 🙂

    • randomthoughtsmom March 5, 2011 at 8:04 am #

      Thanks, caseymichelle12 and welcome to RTM! Check out the graphic cartoon I just added at the end of Friday night. It’s a good one. (And very telling!)

  2. Cesar March 5, 2011 at 1:56 pm #

    Well ma’am, you and your family could always walk over to your neighbors house for Friday night fun. I’m sure that they would love to have you guys.

    • randomthoughtsmom March 5, 2011 at 3:24 pm #

      Damn it. I wanted to invite ourselves over last night too. Rain-check. BTW, welcome and keep the comments comin’!

  3. Rachel P March 7, 2011 at 10:01 am #

    Ah to be in my 20’s again. My girlfriends and I would dress ourselves up as sexy and we could Friday Nights and then spend the whole night dancing at the club teasing any boy that came near us. It’s amazing what tight pants or a shirt skirt will do to 20 something drunk guy. The best part of the night was leaving the club at 4 am and then heading to the nearest all night diner to drink coffee and eat pie until 6 am hoping to make the next morning’s hangover a little less painful. Unfortunelty it rarely worked.
    Thanks for the job down the memory lane.

    • randomthoughtsmom March 7, 2011 at 10:10 am #

      I hear ya, sista! Those were some good days. Thanks for sharing and welcome to RTM!

  4. KW March 7, 2011 at 8:09 pm #

    We would have been trouble if we’d known each other back then! Fun on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights…

    • randomthoughtsmom March 7, 2011 at 8:22 pm #

      Welcome, KW! I knew there was a reason I was instantly drawn to you! 😉 Thanks for commenting.

  5. Kerri J March 8, 2011 at 8:28 am #

    OMG would I love to relive a couple of those days. My girlfriends and I were pretty crazy not in the bad crazy the good crazy of course. 🙂
    We would start our Friday nights off with 2Pac, Lords of Acid and Bone Thug’s. It was mostly to get us ready to go wild on the dance floor, which we did.

  6. Candice March 9, 2011 at 10:06 am #

    The 90’s were great for clubbing. I still tap my foot when I hear a KMFDM or Prodigy song and think about those care free days of my youth. Great post and please keep them coming.

    • randomthoughtsmom March 9, 2011 at 10:26 am #

      Thanks so much, Candice. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment! And, I’ll try!

  7. Marci J March 10, 2011 at 12:35 pm #

    I have loved reading the comments to your great article because I have downloaded a bunch of songs from the music artists they have mentioned onto my iPhone. It really takes me back and I love it.

    • randomthoughtsmom March 10, 2011 at 12:53 pm #

      Awesome Marci! I love re-discovering old favorites. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Charol March 11, 2011 at 9:06 am #

    It almost feels like 1994 reading this post and I love it. Going out with the girls was the highlight of my week back then, we danced, drank and dissed on boys. It was a hoot. Now, we get together talk about our kids, husbands, drink wine and watch “The Real House wives of wherever ” together. Still fun, but not as much as in the 90’s.

    • randomthoughtsmom March 11, 2011 at 10:51 am #

      I hear ya, Charol. Sounds like we were whooping it up around the same time. And you’re right, it’s fun to hang out now, but not at all the same…

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